Welcome to New Hampshire Health Alert Network. Please read the following directions and then click on the Next button below to continue.
Terms of Service:
Information Pledge:
Creating an account is the first step in the New Hampshire Health Alert Network System (NH HAN) registration process. You will use your account username and password each time you log into the NH HAN.
The username must be at least six (6) characters long and cannot contain spaces. Acceptable characters include alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) and the symbols @, ., -, and _. Usernames are not case sensitive.
Please enter your full name below and provide your work address information.
Example: Dr., Col., Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Example: Jr., Sr., MD., PhD, RN
Please enter your current job information below.
Please create a Secret PIN. The Secret PIN is a four digit number required in the event we contact you with a health alert containing sensitive information.
In order to receive Health Alerts, all users must provide an email address. Please enter the email address which you prefer to use to receive Health Alerts. You may enter up to three alternate email addresses.
If you are someone who receives Call-Down Alerts from NH DHHS during real incidents or drills, please select the contact method and enter the number which you prefer to use for Call-Down Alerts. You may add up to six different contact methods.
Please select the role(s) you hold from the list below and click the “arrow” button to add the role(s). You can also double-click on any role to add it to your roles. Please note that the role(s) are representative of your broad job function. If your role is not listed, select “Other” from the list.
Select your organization type from the list below.
Organizations represent official groups that you will have affiliation with as a NH HAN user. Click the Add Organizations link below to see a complete list of Organizations and select those you want to join.